Project Structure

Understanding Project Structure

A guide to understand the files and folder structure of the codebase

Let's dive into the essential files and folders.

1. app
  • It includes all the frontend pages and the backend api routes.
  • Structure Overview
    • (landing): Contains the layout and page files for your landing page.
    • (protected): Contains protected routes such as dashboard, pages, which are only logged in users can access.
    • api/auth: Contains backend authentication routes and configurations, including registeration, reset password, verification etc.
    • auth: Contains all the pages related to authentication, includes pages like login, register, reset password etc.
2. components
  • Contains reusable UI components and are broken down to their respective folders. e.g., landing folder has components related to the landing page.
  • Sections:
    • auth: Authentication-related components. Necessary components includes:
      • card wrapper: It is a reusable components used in every form UI, e.g., login, register, etc.
      • social: It is a component for signing in via OAuth e.g., Google, etc.
      • error card: This will show if there happens any error related to auth.
    • dashboard: It contains two components for navigation, sidebar for larger devices and mobile-sidebar for mobile devices.
    • landing: Contains components of different sections of landing pages e.g., pricing, faqs, demo, features etc.
    • shared: Contains components shared across different files.
    • ui: These are shadcn components. If you want to learn about them, click here.
    • form-error, form-success: Shows error/success messages based on the response from backend.
3. lib
  • Contains helper/utility files used across the app.
  • Files:
    • db.js: Handles database connection.
    • mail.js: Manages email-sending functionality.
    • password-reset-token.js, verification-token.js: Includes functions to get verification, password reset tokens from database.
    • routes.js: Contains route definitions used in middleware.
    • token.js: Generates verification, password reset tokens.
    • user.js: Contains functions to get user details from database by email or id.
4. prisma
  • It contains all the database schema/models created using prisma.
5. schemas
  • Contains data validation schemas to validate the data sent to the backend and received by the frontend.
1. constants.js
  • This file holds all the constants (data), for example, navbar links, dashboard links, features data, etc.
2. middleware.js
  • Checks whether the user is logged in or not and redirects accordingly.
3. auth.js, auth.config.js
  • These files contain the configuration for setting up authentication, from OAuth to Credential Providers.

This guide provides a comprehensive understanding of how the project's files and folders are organized, making it easier for developers to navigate and modify the codebase efficiently.